
I am Christopher Amanor

Remote Full Stack Developer

Ruby | Rails | JavaScript | React | PHP

I develop web applications using Ruby, Rails, PHP, JavaScript and React to solve problems and improve services. My background is in Physics, Business Administration and Project Management. I have experience building apps in the finance and telecommunications industry in Ghana and also remotely with companies around the world.



HTML CSS Sass JavaScript(ES5/ES6) React Ruby Ruby on Rails Redux Bootstrap Bulma Semantic UI Git MySQL PostgreSQL GitHub Heroku Netlify Test Driven Development


Remote Pair-Programming Teamwork Mentoring Project Management


Vehicle Booking App
Tech Stack: React Redux Git GitHub Netlify Jest
Car TV Show Guide
Tech Stack: React Redux Git GitHub Netlify Jest
Ironman Dash Game
Tech Stack: JavaScript(ES6) Phaser Game Engine Git GitHub Netlify Jest
Sports Blog
Tech Stack: Ruby on Rails PostgreSQL Git GitHub Heroku RSpec
Weather Forecast App
Tech Stack: JavaScript(ES6) Git GitHub GitHack
CSS Lint Tool
Tech Stack: Ruby RSpec Git GitHub


CSS Background Images: The Right Use Cases
Setting up a JavaScript Project with Webpack and Linters
  Contact Me